Friday, August 20, 2010

This is my little pistle "yikes" my very loud child. She has a personality all of her own, but yet is a big scardy cat. She is so loving and says all the time "mommy I love you very much" melts your heart. We just heard last week that we will be her forever home. I cried over and over again. The has been 2 1/2 years of ups and downs and more ups and downs. I have prayed and prayed and did more praying. Finally, only by God's goodness did Sabrina's parents sign off on her. It isn't over yet, but my heart really goes out to them and that was such an unselfish thing to do. We love this little girl and she has been with us the day she came out of the hospital. She has such a loving heart and loves to be read to, and her favorite is Thomas the Tank Engine... the girl is obsessed with Thomas. She wants to wear flannel Thomas PJ's all summer long. Someday's it isn't worth the fight and we go trucking to Walmart with Thomas PJ's on. She is proud of them. I am so blessed to have this little girl in my life and want the best for her. We love you and are so proud to be your forever home Sabrina.

1 comment:

  1. I love her curls! I can't wait til' my little girl gets enough for a pony tail! =) I like your pink blog background too =)
